Wednesday, October 03, 2007


The power of photoshop

It amazes me sometimes what we can do with all of the technology that we have.
Using photoshop all of the time I sometimes take it for granted.  Certain times of a wedding
you are shooting live motion so you get something in the photo that you don't want to be there.

I was just going through a fun wedding we did for Sarah and Andrew at Bonfonte Gardens.
It was so cool because we were able to ride some rides with the bridal party.  With the groomsmen
before the wedding we got to get on a roller coaster and get some images of them riding the coaster.
I was on the front with my fisheye lens shooting it over my shoulder to get Andrew in the seat behind me,
and had joey on the ground to get  a shot of the whole party as we went around a corner.  But the only bummer was I was sitting in the front seat and know they don't want me in the photo, so good old Photoshop comes to the rescue :)

Here is the image as it was taken, notice the funny looking guy in the front trying to take photos
while getting bounced around on the ride.  He needs to go:

And Viola, he's gone...

Here is the final with a little bit of the Stagi secret sauce :)

More to come later...

-- Mark



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About Me

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I am a Photographer based out of San Jose Ca. I travel all over the place taking photos of wedding and other events. I have been married to my beautiful wife Lisa for 7 years. She is a Real Estate agent for Alain Pinel Realtos ( We have a baby on the way (baby Faith coming in Sept!) and have 2 cats Jasper and Lucky. When we do have free time we spend it together biking, swimming, playing tennis, snowboarding, or Watching movies. Check out more of our Award winning wedding photography

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